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  • 点击获取本年度课程信息
  •  一、课程信息课程号:08403361课程体系:专业选修课(硕博二三年级)学分:2考核方式:课堂发言+课堂作业+期末论文教学方式:课堂讲解+阅读讨论负责教师:张蒙 二、课程介绍:本课程为研究生选修课,主要以讨论班(seminar)的形式,向学生介绍当今重要的科技史新趋势——日常科技史(everyday technology或vernacular science)。每1次课为一个小专题,每2到3次课为一个大的专题,分别讨论如何从我们习以为常的自然环境、医学...
  • 一、课程信息科技史英文写作课程号:08409040课程体系:硕士专业选修课、博士写作必修课学分:2考核方式:book review, fellowship application, job cover letter, or research prospectus of 1,000- 1,500 words. 10 minute presentation of research, along with Q&A at the end of term.教学方式:讲授+讨论负责教师:雷震 John Alekna 二、课程介绍:The object of this course is to offer training for relevant graduat...
  • 一、课程信息全球科学史与科学哲学课程号:08400942课程体系:专业必修课(硕博) 学分:3考核方式:homework and reading preparation (30%); class participation (30%); finalhistoriographical essay (40%)教学方式:讨论负责教师:雷震 John Alekna 二、课程介绍:What does it mean to say that science has a history, to imply that terms and categories that at first seem so solid in our contemporary imagination...

地 址: 北京大学静园一院

邮 编: 100871


邮 箱:hstm@pku.edu.cn

