This lecture investigates foundational philosophical frameworks that underpin the interdisciplinary field of Science, Technology, and Society (STS). Logical positivism, the problem of induction, and falsificationism are examined to elucidate their influence on the epistemic criteria governing scientific inquiry. The analysis scrutinizes the limitations inherent in verificationist and falsificationist methodologies, and addresses the persistent challenge of underdetermination in theory appraisal. Central to this inquiry is an exploration of how these philosophical positions have informed the conceptualization, negotiation, and institutionalization of scientific and technological knowledge. The lecture aims to provide students with a critical apparatus for analyzing the interconnections between scientific knowledge and its sociotechnical contexts. Through this foundation, participants are encouraged to engage with the complex philosophical questions that shape the field of STS.
主讲人:马大年(Daniele Macuglia)

马大年(Daniele Macuglia),意大利托尔梅佐人,生于1984年。曾就读于意大利Pavia大学和Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori (IUSS),均以最高荣誉毕业,后赴美国芝加哥大学深造。在欧洲青年科学家竞赛和意大利物理奥林匹克中获奖。他与诺贝尔奖得主Martin Karplus、Benoît Roux、Giovanni Ciccotti及洛伦兹奖章获得者Daan Frenkel等国际知名学者合作,研究计算机模拟及物理学史。现为北京大学科学技术与医学史系助理教授,博士生导师。