预告 | “科学·文明”高端学术讲座 第十一讲
年份-月份 日期


演讲题目:From Chinese Typewriting to Chinese Computing: A History (从中文打字机到中文计算机的历史)



会议号:868 892 7553


演讲人:Thomas Mullaney (斯坦福大学历史系教授)


与谈人:马大年 (Daniele Macuglia)(北京大学科学技术与医学史系助理教授)


Chinese Typewriters might seem like short-lived, insignificant, technological curiosities--a side-show to the "real" story of Chinese computing. In fact, these machines form the basis of China's contemporary achievements in digital computing and new media, and laid the foundation for today's Chinese IT juggernaut. So many things we typically associate with Chinese computing--predictive text, text corpora, adaptive databases, and even digital graphics--were first pioneered in the domain of mechanical Chinese typewriting. Above all, Chinese typewriters--machines that many assumed would be impossible to build--served as proof that Chinese modernization did not, as Lu Xun(鲁迅) and others assume, depend upon the abolition of character-based Chinese script. That "Chinese characters are innocent" (汉字无罪), as one early engineer phrased it.


Tom Mullaney is a professor of Chinese history of Stanford University, a Guggenheim fellow, and the Kluge Chair in Technology and Society at the Library of Congress. He received his Ph.D. of History in Columbia University. He is the author or lead editor of six books, includingThe Chinese Typewriter,Your Computer is on Fire,andComing to Terms with the Nation: Ethnic Classification in Modern China.The Chinese Typewriter: A Historyhas won the Fairbank Prize for East Asian Studies (2018) and the Levenson Prize for Writings in Chinese Studies (2019). The forthcomingThe Chinese Computer:The First Comprehensive History of Chinese-language Computingwill be the first comprehensive study of the history of computing in China. He also leads Stanford University's Digital Humanities Asia Program (DHAsia), a program focused on East, South, Southeast and Inner/Central Asia.

来源: 2022-06-04
来源: 2022-06-04

地 址: 北京大学静园一院

邮 编: 100871


邮 箱:hstm@pku.edu.cn

