This talk reflects on the development of an important and growing subfield of history of science. In the past couple of decades, the concerns of this subfield have evolved from notions such as science and empire to a range of perspectives and approaches that draw on postcolonial studies, decolonial theories, history of knowledge, and global history. The notion of circulation of knowledge has contributed significantly to this historiographical and methodological development. While I have welcomed this development, I have also been critical of some of the main ideas in the subfield, including postcolonial, decolonial, and other adjacent approaches. In this talk, I will address my concerns about a subfield of history of science in which I have done much of my work. I will also explain why I believe that scholars in China have much to contribute to a more robust version of global history of science.
主讲人:范发迪(Fa-Ti Fan)纽约州立大学宾汉姆顿分校科学史教授
主持人:雷震 (John Alekna)北京大学科技医史系助理教授
Fa-Ti Fan(中文名:范发迪),纽约州立大学宾汉姆顿分校科学史教授。已出版British Naturalists in Qing China: Science, Empire, and Cultural Encounter (2004年;中译本《知识帝国:清代在华的英国博物学家》,2011年),先后发表数十篇论文,主要关注现代中国的科学、全球科学史以及科学与帝国等重要议题。并开设了多门课程,包括现代科技史、亚洲史,以及自然灾害与社会等。在十余个学术刊物和丛书、多个学术团体中任职。