题目:Celio Calcagnini’s Defence of Terrestrial Motion in Fifteenth-century Europe
十五世纪欧洲塞利奥·卡尔卡尼尼(Celio Calcagnini)对地球运动理论的辩护
主讲人:Alberto Bardi 清华大学科学史系助理教授
主持人:Daniele Macuglia 北京大学科学技术与医学史系助理教授

The humanist Celio Calcagnini (1479-1541), an Italian contemporary of Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543), wrote around 1518 a discussion about the motion of the Earth, Quod caelum stet, terra moveatur vel de perenni motu terrae (That the Hevens Stand Still, and the Earth Moves, or on the Earth’s Constant Motion). It is a short but dense treatise, philosophically complex and sophisticated in style, on a topic of great interest in the history of cosmology. Yet, it has not so far received adequate consideration in the history of science. This talk presents the first translation of Calcagnini into a modern language, edited by Alberto Bardi himself and Pietro Daniel Omodeo.
塞利奥·卡尔卡尼尼(Celio Calcagnini ,1479 - 1541 ),与意大利人尼古拉·哥白尼(Nicolaus Copernicus ,1473 - 1543 )同时代的人文学者,于1518年左右写了一篇关于地球运动的论述,Quod caelum stet,terra moveatur vel de perenni motu terrae (天空静止不动而地球运动,或者说,天空在地球的不断运动中得以静止不动)。这一论述包含复杂的哲学问题,篇幅短小,信息量大,文风精致,晦涩难懂。虽是宇宙学历史上一个非常有意思的话题,但迄今为止,在科学史上尚未得到充分的关注。本讲将展示卡尔卡尼尼地球运动论述的现代语言首译本,该译本由阿尔贝托·巴尔迪(Alberto Bardi)本人和皮埃特罗·丹尼尔·奥莫多(Pietro Daniel Omodeo)编辑。
主讲人-Alberto Bardi 艾博

Assistant Professor in the Department of the History of Science at Tsinghua University and Research Collaborator in the project Early Modern Cosmology, funded by the European Research Council, at Ca’ Foscari University Venice (Italy). Before joining Tsinghua, he taught at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel) and conducted research as postdoctoral fellow in several institutions, among others Harvard University. His research deals with the history of astronomy from Greek Antiquity till European Early Modernity. For his research, he was awarded funding from several institutions, among others the Polonsky Foundation, established by Commander of the British Empire Leonard Polonsky.
清华大学科学史系助理教授,“早期现代宇宙学”项目研究合作者(该项目由意大利威尼斯福斯卡里宫大学欧洲研究理事会资助)。入职清华大学前,任教于以色列耶路撒冷希伯来大学,并以博士后研究员身份在包括哈佛大学在内的多个研究机构从事研究工作。研究涉及希腊古代至欧洲现代早期的天文学历史,并获得了一些机构的资助,其中包括大英帝国司令伦纳德-波隆斯基(Leonard Polonsky)设立的波隆斯基基金会。