题目:Mathematical cultures seen from the perspective of the history of numbers

主讲人:Karine Chemla,SPHERE (CNRS—Université Paris Cité)
主讲人:Karine Chemla,法国国家科学研究中心(CNRS)科学史与科学哲学研究所(SPHERE)(法国国家科学研究中心——巴黎城市大学)高级研究员
主持人:Daniele Macuglia,北京大学科学技术与医学史系助理教授
Zoom会议号:673 855 5775
摘要:General historiographies of science are often divided into chapters that deal with cultures understood as civilizations, peoples, and similar collective entities. This remark holds true for the history of numbers and computation. The presentation will highlight some of the historiographic problems raised by a practice of this kind in this specific case. In particular, it will show that, for numeration systems, an organization of the source material along such lines has seemed justified on the basis of a methodological problem. The presentation will then shed light on new types of historical phenomena that become visible when we get rid of this methodological problem.
Karine Chemla, Senior Researcher (exceptional class) at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), research group SPHERE (Université Paris Cité & CNRS). Her work focuses, from a historical anthropology viewpoint, on the relationship between mathematics and the various cultures in the context of which it is practiced. Chemla co-edited, with E. Fox Keller, Cultures without culturalism: The making of scientific knowledge (Duke University Press, 2017); and, with A. Keller and C. Proust, Cultures of computation and quantification in the ancient world. Numbers, measurements, and operations in documents from Mesopotamia, China and South Asia (Springer, 2022). Website:http://www.sphere.univ-paris-diderot.fr/spip.php?article78
Karine Chemla,法国国家科学研究中心( CNRS )科学史与科学哲学(SPHERE)研究所(巴黎城市大学& CNRS)高级研究员(特级)。其研究从历史人类学的视角出发,重点聚焦数学与其实践应用的各种背景文化之间的关系。与E. Fox Keller合编《没有文化主义的文化:科学知识的产生》(杜克大学出版社, 2017);与A . Keller和C . Proust合编《古代世界的计算和量化文化——来自中国、美索不达米亚和南亚文献中的数字、测量和操作》(斯普林格, 2022)。