时间:2023/04/13 15:10-17:00
地点:北大理教 419 zoom 会议号:673 855 5775

Living on the island of Ambon until his death, Georg Everhard Rumphius (1627-1702) explored, experimented, and wrote about the natural world of seventeenth-century eastern Indonesia while working as an administrator for the Dutch East India Company. His knowledge of the flora and fauna of the islands was best encapsulated in his most famous work, Het Amboinsch Kruydboek (“The Ambonese Herbal”). This presentation attempts to explore how one might read Rumphius’ texts as a site of cross-cultural interaction between a supposedly blind European naturalist and local indigenous practitioners of medicine. Who exactly were the intermediaries of medicinal knowledge and how was this knowledge actively re-constituted through the process of documentation across three centuries? By reading Malay-language manuscript sources alongside Rumphius's Dutch materia medica from the early modern period, this presentation attempts to historicize how categories of difference, between “medicine” and “superstition” for instance, came to be manifested in early modern and modern understandings about science, medicine, and religion in colonial Indonesia.
Georg Everhard Rumphius(1627-1702)去世前一直住在安汶岛,他在荷兰东印度公司工作时,对十七世纪印度尼西亚东部的自然世界进行了探索、实验和写作。他对这些岛屿的动植物的了解在他最有名的作品Het Amboinsch Kruydboek(《安汶草药》)中有着很好的体现。本报告试图探讨如何将Rumphius的文本解读为一个被认为是盲目的欧洲博物学家和当地土著医生之间的跨文化互动场所。究竟谁是医药知识的中间人,这种知识是如何通过三个世纪的记录过程积极地重新构建的?通过将马来语的手稿资料与Rumphius在现代早期的《荷兰本草纲目》一起阅读,本报告试图将 "医学 "和 "迷信 "之间的差异类别历史化,例如,在印度尼西亚殖民地的早期和现代对科学、医学和宗教的理解中如何体现。
Speaker: GenieYoo,Postdoctoral Research FellowHebrew University of Jerusalem
Host: John N. Alekna,Department of History of Science, Technology and Medicine, Peking University

Genie Yoo
Genie Yoo is a historian of early modern and modern Southeast Asia, working at the intersection of history of science, medicine, environment, and religion. She is currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow for an ERC Project at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where she is exploring how translations in indigenous Indonesian manuscripts reveal processes of vernacular knowledge formation about nature. She received her PhD in History from Princeton University.
Genie Yoo是普林斯顿大学历史学博士,近现代东南亚历史学家,主要从事科学、医学、环境和宗教历史的交叉研究。她目前是耶路撒冷希伯来大学ERC项目的博士后研究人员,她正在探索研究印度尼西亚本土手稿中的翻译如何揭示关于自然的本土知识形成过程。