预告 | 【科技史前沿讲座30】《球体》:知识体系演变与欧洲科学共性
年份-月份 2023-03 日期 30


时间:2023/03/30 15:10-17:00

地点:北大理教 419


Scientific knowledge as well as all kinds knowledge is in continuous transformation. One of the dominant aspects of this transformation in recent centuries can be defined as a process of homogenization. In this presentation the historical roots of this peculiar evolutionary aspect of knowledge will be shown with reference to European scientific knowledge. Therefore, late medieval and early modern historical sources will be analyzed which, from a semantic point of view, cover those fields of knowledge that, according to the categories of historical actors, belonged to the quadrivium. Emphasis will be placed on treatises on astronomy.


Having to consider a very large number of historical sources, the research is developed in the field of Digital Humanities and Computational History. During the presentation therefore, in addition to providing an overview of the data extracted from the sources, the following technologies and applications will also be shown: the Knowledge Graph utilized for the data repository, the method of data analysis through the application of network theory and the use of multi-layer networks, as well as the latest applications of machine learning and Explainable Artificial Intelligence, developed with a view to scale-up the research.


Speaker: Matteo Valleriani Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin

Technische Universität Berlin

Tel Aviv University

Host: Meng Zhang, Department of History of Science, Technology and Medicine, Peking University

Discussant: Daniele Macuglia, Department of History of Science, Technology and Medicine, Peking University


Matteo Valleriani

Matteo Valleriani is research group leader at the Department I at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin, honorary professor at the Technische Universität of Berlin, and professor by Special Appointment at the University of Tel Aviv. He investigates the relation between diffusion processes of scientific, practical, and technological knowledge and their economic and political preconditions. His research focuses on the Hellenistic period, the late Middle Ages, and the early modern period. Among his principal research endeavors, he leads the project “The Sphere: Knowledge System Evolution and the Shared Scientific Identity of Europe” (https://sphaera.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de), which investigates the formation and evolution of a shared scientific identity in Europe between the thirteenth and seventeenth centuries. In the context of this project, Matteo Valleriani implemented the development of Machine Learning technology and of the physics of complex system in the humanities. The project is also part of the investigations led by Matteo Valleriani in the context of BIFOLD (https://bifold.berlin).

Matteo Valleriani,柏林马克斯-普朗克科学史研究所第一研究部研究组组长,柏林工业大学名誉教授,特拉维夫大学的特聘教授,主要研究希腊化时期、中世纪晚期和现代早期科学性、实用性、技术性知识的扩散过程与其经济、政治前提之间的关系。Matteo Valleriani开展了多个研究项目,其牵头的“《球体》:知识体系演变与欧洲科学共性"(https://sphaera.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de)是其中主要项目之一,研究了13世纪至17世纪欧洲科学共性的形成和演变。在这一研究项目中,Matteo Valleriani促进了机器学习技术和复杂系统物理学与人文学科的融合发展。该项目也是Matteo Valleriani在BIFOLD背景下牵头开展的研究项目的一部分。

来源:北大科技医史系 2023-03-28
来源:北大科技医史系 2023-03-28

地 址: 北京大学静园一院

邮 编: 100871


邮 箱:hstm@pku.edu.cn

