Celio Calcagnini’s Defence of Terrestrial Motion in Fifteenth-century Europe

  目: Celio Calcagnini’s Defence of Terrestrial Motion in Fifteenth-century Europe


主讲人Alberto Bardi  清华大学科学史系助理教授


主持人Daniele Macuglia  北京大学科学技术与医学史系助理教授


  2023512 15:10-17:00





The humanist Celio Calcagnini (1479-1541), an Italian contemporary of Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543), wrote around 1518 a discussion about the motion of the Earth, Quod caelum stet, terra moveatur vel de perenni motu terrae (That the Hevens Stand Still, and the Earth Moves, or on the Earth’s Constant Motion). It is a short but dense treatise, philosophically complex and sophisticated in style, on a topic of great interest in the history of cosmology. Yet, it has not so far received adequate consideration in the history of science. This talk presents the first translation of Calcagnini into a modern language, edited by Alberto Bardi himself and Pietro Daniel Omodeo.



Assistant Professor in the Department of the History of Science at Tsinghua University and Research Collaborator in the project Early Modern Cosmology, funded by the European Research Council, at Ca’ Foscari University Venice (Italy). Before joining Tsinghua, he taught at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel) and conducted research as postdoctoral fellow in several institutions, among others Harvard University. His research deals with the history of astronomy from Greek Antiquity till European Early Modernity. For his research, he was awarded funding from several institutions, among others the Polonsky Foundation, established by Commander of the British Empire Leonard Polonsky.



来源:北大科技医史系 2023-05-25
来源:北大科技医史系 2023-05-25

地 址: 北京大学静园一院

邮 编: 100871


邮 箱:hstm@pku.edu.cn

